任建宏,山西寿阳人,中共党员,博士,校聘副教授,硕士生导师。2021年12月,博士毕业于西北农林科技大学黄土高原土壤侵蚀与旱地农业国家重点实验室。目前主要从事作物逆境生理、作物高产高效栽培生理生态等方面的研究。现主持山西农业大学“引进人才科研启动工程”、山西省基础研究计划青年基金和山西省博士毕业生来晋工作奖励等项目,在Journal of Hazardous Materials、Journal of Nanobiotechnology、Journal of Environmental Management等国际主流学术刊物上发表论文十余篇。担任Journal of Pineal Research、Crop Journal、Plant Cell Reports等期刊审稿人。
2017.09~2021.12 西北农林科技大学,生命科学学院,植物学,博士
2014.09~2017.07 山西农业大学, 农学院,植物学,硕士
2022.09~至今 山西农业大学,生命科学学院,校聘副教授
1. Yang XX, Feng K, Wang G, Zhang SF, Zhao J*, Yuan XY*, Ren JH*. Titanium dioxide nanoparticles alleviate polystyrene nanoplastics induced growth inhibition by modulating carbon and nitrogen metabolism via melatonin signaling in maize. Journal of Nanobiotechnology, 2024; 22: 262. (中科院一区Top, If=10.6)
2. Yang XX, Feng K, Wang G, Zhang SF, Shi QF, Wang XR, Song XE, Dong SQ, Wen YY, Guo PY, Wang YG, Zhao J*, Yuan XY*, Ren JH*. Chitosan nanoparticles alleviate chromium toxicity by modulating metabolic homeostasis and promoting chromium sequestration in Zea mays L. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2024; 282: 137322. (中科院一区Top, If=8.2)
3. Zhao J*, Zhang SF, Yang XX, Feng K, Wang G, Shi QF, Wang XR, Yuan XY*, Ren JH*. Hydrogen sulfide increases drought tolerance by modulating carbon and nitrogen metabolism in foxtail millet seedlings. Agronomy, 2024; 14: 1080. (中科院二区, If=3.3)
4. Yang XX, Shi QF, Wang XR, Zhang T, Feng K, Wang G, Zhao J, Yuan XY*, Ren JH*. Melatonin induced chromium tolerance requires hydrogen sulfide signaling in maize. Plants, 2024; 13: 1763. (中科院二区, If=4.0)
5. Ren JH, Yang XX, Zhang N, Feng L, Yang ZP*, Zhao J*. Melatonin alleviates aluminum-induced growth inhibition by modulating carbon and nitrogen metabolism, and reestablishing redox homeostasis in Zea mays L. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2022; 423: 127159. (中科院一区Top, If=14.224)
6. Ren JH, Liu XL, Yang WP, Yang XX, 2021. Rhizosphere soil properties, microbial community, and enzyme activities: Short-term responses to partial substitution of chemical fertilizer with organic manure. Journal of Environmental Management, 299, 113650. (中科院一区Top, If=8.91)
7. Ren JH, Yang XX, Ma CY, et al., 2021. Melatonin enhances drought stress tolerance in maize through coordinated regulation of carbon and nitrogen assimilation. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 167, 958-969. (中科院二区TOP, If=5.437)
8. Ren JH, Xie T, Wang YL, et al., 2020. Coordinated regulation of carbon and nitrogen assimilation confers drought tolerance in maize (Zea mays L.). Environmental and Experimental Botany, 176, 104086. (中科院二区TOP, If=5.545)
9. Ren JH, Ye J, Yin LN, et al., 2020. Exogenous melatonin improves salt tolerance by mitigating osmotic, ion, and oxidative stresses in maize seedlings. Agronomy, 10, 663. (中科院二区, If=3.417)
1. 山西农业大学“引进人才科研启动工程”项目,主持;
2. 山西省基础研究计划青年基金项目,褪黑素促进干旱胁迫下谷子根系水分吸收的作用机制研究,主持;
3. 山西省博士毕业生、博士后研究人员来晋工作奖励经费科研项目,硫化氢增强谷子幼苗抗旱性的生理及分子基础,主持;
4. 国家自然科学基金项目,旱后复水对小麦开花后光合同化物的调控机制,参与;
5. 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)项目,根层养分水分对高产群体的支撑作用与调控途径,参与;
6. 中国科学院“西部青年学者”B类项目,干旱环境下马铃薯水分高效吸收运输的生物学基础,参与